Welcome To Our Hidden Gems Overview Page!
Our Hidden Gems Listing includes your full Free Listing plus the following five strategies to rapidly and continually bring you new customers, encourage your best customers to come back more often, and have them spend more when they are there.
The regular investment for this is $397 per month, no fixed term agreements.
However, if you're one of the first 20 to be accepted in your Local Restaurant Directory, you pay only $97 per month, for as long as you choose to stay!!
We call this being a Founding Member, you'll love it.
You get all of the following:
- Authentic Google Review software and coaching on how to use it, value $500/month;
- Dishing For Desserts Program to turn your customers into social media raving fans, value $300/month;
- Featured Contributor Privileges in our Local Restaurant Portal, to share your content with thousands of local potential customers, value $250/month;
- Email our entire list in your market once a month!! value, $750/month; and
- Our More Life, More Profit Local Restaurant Mastermind, with up to 20 local restaurant leaders, helping each other thrive, value $2,000/month
Total Value $3,800 a month.
Yours for just $397 a month.
And if you're one of the first 20 Restaurants to join in each market, just $97 a month as a Founding Member. Love it already?
Tom Matzen, Chris Cannon & Simon Hedley,
Raving Fans For Life Restaurant Portals
PS Need more details? Read on.