The Raving Fans For Life
Workshop Starts In:
Discover The "Ultimate Way To Accelerate Word Of Mouth Referrals"
on Wednesday, July 24th at 8am PST (11am EST)

How To Double Your Sales In Six Months
Without Spending Another Dime On Ads... 
Even If You Can't Market Your Way Out Of A Wet Paper Bag!!

PLUS, Help Those in Need Right Now at the Same Time...
100% of this Deep Dive Workshop net proceeds benefit

Total Value: $500 - ONLY $27!


*** NOTE: 100% of this Deep Dive Workshop net proceeds benefit ***

Don't Just Take Our Word For It, Here's What Past Attendees Had To Say...
Chris Cannon, Motivational Speaker and Empowerment Coach 
"Raving Fans For Life Workshop is an absolute must attend, if you want to stay in business over these next few years and beyond. People require more than they did a few years ago and having good customers is just not good enough anymore!!! Tom shows you the step-by-step process to attract and convert good customers, into Raving Fans and promote your business for life. This is not over hyped emotions being communicated, this is straight facts that you can verify for yourself, if you attend the training!!!"
JoAnna Brandi, Certified Chief Happiness Officer
"Wow! Wow! Wow! I just got off the "Raving Fans For Life" Workshop with Tom Matzen and Simon Hedley. It was a commitment (4 hours) to make for sure, and worth ever second of it. I'm not sure I've ever seen SO MUCH VALUE packed into a class. I started my career in direct marketing and went from their to being a teacher myself in the area of customer care and customer loyalty. This brought me back to my roots (Lifetime Value of a Customer) and then blasted me into space. Tom started by telling us all to ask one question about everything he taught, "How does this apply to me?" Great advice! It helped open up my thinking wider than it's been opened in a long time. If you are looking to build your business with referrals and expand your thinking about what's possible all while enjoying Tom's contagious joy and enthusiasm - take this workshop! Thanks Tom and Simon!"
Allison Pearson, Owner, Stress Free Groomer
"Tom is an enthusiastic person and a great communicator who I found through from a mutual acquaintance, and his new Program - Raving Fans For Life!
What was I expecting from this? Probably not much, I have done several programs with different people over time and they never give you anything worth while its all about selling you the next big thing.
Boy was I wrong - I got so much GREAT information from the workshop! Tom was really great at explaining things and getting you involved it was a pleasant surprise to actually to come away with pages of notes to implement.
Don't get me wrong there is a next stage and I was so overwhelmed with the presentation that I jumped at the chance to work with Tom and that doesn't happen often I normally mull things over and over, but I am so excited to be taking this next stage.
So anyone wanting to take their business to the next level, get better customers, repeat customers, YOU NEED to jump on this now."
Anthony Warren, Business Owner, Coach, Multiple Streams of Income Mentor
"I want to just report back on a Workshop I just attended called Raving Fans for Life. We all know that the secret of success in business is generating word of mouth recommendation and managing it properly. This online seminar does deep dive into all that and show the ways that it needs to be done, and what needs to change in terms of attitude, implementation and systems and shows you how to be effective on your business which increases revenue by hundreds of thousands within just a 6-month period. I wish I'd had this when I started back 25 years ago. For those are starting out in new directions I think is a wonderful place to get going towards the kind of mega success the ambitious want. Thoroughly recommended."
Tom Matzen, Host
Tom has started some 93 businesses of his own, 11 of them to seven figures and beyond. More importantly, his personal coaching clients have generated more than one hundred million in sales in dozens of industries.

However he has made more mistakes on his own businesses already than most people make in a lifetime. He has made and lost millions, several times over.

He is two time international best-selling author with some 178,000 copies of his books sold to date.

Tom shares his authentic-self with communities around the globe with real-life stories of glorious triumphs and colossal failures of how he has made and lost millions, several times over.

Leveraging this priceless knowledge Tom is on a mission to empower entrepreneurs to do good and make money at the same time.

He is Co-Founder of Links Golf Cafe, an emerging global franchise combining golf and coffee.

Tom lives on the west coast of Canada, near Vancouver, and along with his 17 year old son Tyler, has made some 153 Kiva loans in some 67 countries over the last 7 years. This workshop will contribute all net proceeds to Kiva for more loans.

Finally! It's time to say STOP the roller-coaster ride of inconsistent cash flow.

Discover Six Simple Steps to Massively Accelerate Referrals... even without being yucky or hassling your past clients!

What You'll Discover During this Interactive Hands-On Live Workshop:
  • Three Critical Steps To Ensuring You Generate a Constant Stream of Quality Referrals;
  • What Are "Raving Fans" and How To Create and Nurture Them In Your Business (and How Generating Just 50 Of These Will Create A Seven Figure Impact On Your Business);
  • The Fastest and Simplest Way To Generate 30% More Sales In 30 Days Or Less;
  • Two “Secret Techniques” that almost nobody knows about (except a small circle of savvy entrepreneurs), that has allowed me and my Clients to achieve Market Niche Dominance...   in less than 6 months!
  • Why Happy Customers is NOT Your Goal, and What You Want Instead;
  • Six Step Framework To Create a Wow Experience With Your Clients;
  • The Two Best Strategies To Generate Viralocity and Have Customers Come Back More Often;
  • Are you making any of the Seven Referral Killers when trying to grow with Referrals? Find out if that's the case in this Workshop... including the best time to ask for Referrals (you'll be shocked!)
  • PLUS: A super special time-sensitive opportunity we're making available for a handful of people who are INTERESTED in working more closely together to put all this in place..


**Join us live and you'll find a very SPECIAL surprise for YOU
linked to mastering this process... (but ONLY if you are on this Deep Dive Workshop until the VERY end)


This information has, until now, never been shared with anyone else before in one Deep Dive Workshop…

Including our Two Viralocity Strategies and our Two Market Niche Dominance Techniques.

AND we are ONLY able to accept 100 participants live during the Workshop right now…

In fact if you don't register now and try to join a few minutes later…

It's VERY likely you'll lose your spot for good...

...So Reserve Your Spot NOW!

**Join us live and you'll find a very SPECIAL surprise for YOU...
(but ONLY if you are on the workshop until the end)

Simon Hedley,
Simon qualified as a Chartered Accountant in the UK and spent over ten years working in financial services, from audit and assurance consultancy at PriceWaterhouseCoopers, through to Investment Banking encompassing Product Development, Structuring and Investment Management at Morgan Stanley, Royal Bank of Scotland and ABN Amro.
Now Simon applies those skills helping individuals, businesses and corporates create and optimize systems that provide increased sales and profit growth through proven implementable models that he has developed.

He has formed and participated in multiple partnerships, business ventures, projects, experiments and movements.

He is the founder and Managing Director of the Psi Pi Group Limited, Psi Thinking Ltd and The Simple Idea Ltd.

He is Co-Founder of Links Golf Cafe, an emerging global franchise combining golf and coffee.

Simon lives near London, England and runs multiple businesses and one charity from there.

Reserve Your Access NOW...
And Discover How To Double Your Sales In Six Months 
Without Spending Another Dime On Ads...
Even If You Can't Market Your Way Out Of A Wet Paper Bag!!

**Join us live and you'll find a very SPECIAL surprise for YOU...
(but ONLY if you are on the Deep Dive Workshop until the end)

Don't Just Take Our Word For It, Here's What Others Say About Raving Fans...
Tony Robbins
The core strategy behind any supreme organization, any company which truly surpasses its competition and creates massive customer loyalty, is to anticipate and meet customer needs in a way that no one else is. These are the companies who know how to create raving fans.
Seth Godin
It's foolish to expect that one exposure to your message will instantly convert someone from stranger to raving ideavirus-spreading fan. So plan on a process. Plan on a method that takes people from where they are to where you want them to go.
Ken Blanchard
Your customers are only satisfied because their expectations are so low and because no one else is doing better. Just having satisfied customers isn't good enough anymore. If you really want a booming business, you have to create Raving Fans.
Want to become a Referral Partner? Join us here. If you are already a partner, log in here.
To see what others think of this Workshop click here.
Copyright © 2022-23 Links Golf Cafe LLC – All Rights Reserved.
When addressing financial matters in any of our Sites, videos, Workshops, newsletters or other content, we've taken every effort to ensure we accurately represent our programs and their ability to improve your life or grow your business. However, there is no guarantee that you will get any results or earn any money using any of our ideas, tools, strategies or recommendations, and we do not purport any "get rich schemes" on any of our Sites. Nothing on our Sites or Workshops are a promise or guarantee of earnings. Your level of success in attaining similar results is dependent upon a number of factors including your skill, knowledge, ability, dedication, business savvy, network, and financial situation, to name a few. Because these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot and do not guarantee your success, income level, or ability to earn revenue. You alone are responsible for your actions and results in life and business. Any forward-looking statements outlined on our Sites are simply our opinion and thus are not guarantees or promises for actual performance. It should be clear to you that by law we make no guarantees that you will achieve any results from our ideas or models presented on our Sites, and we offer no professional legal, medical, psychological or financial advice.
This information is not intended as an offer to sell, or the solicitation of an offer to buy, a franchise. If you are a resident of a Canadian Province, U.S. State or Country that regulates the offer and sale of franchises, are receiving this message in one of those states or Countries, or intend to operate a franchise in any of those States or Countries, we will not offer you a franchise unless and until we have complied with any applicable pre-sale registration and/or disclosure requirements in the applicable jurisdiction. OUR WEBSITE HAS NOT BEEN REVIEWED OR APPROVED BY ANY RELEVANT FRANCHISE GOVERNING BODY. Likewise, our website has not been reviewed or approved by any other federal or provincial governmental or regulatory agency (domestic or international).
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